Image editing techniques
Please check this section each month for updates.
In the next following months I will be uploading the editing processes I go through to get my images published. This will be fully illustrated visually with diagrams. So that you will be able follow every step I take in my editing process. I will also be adding fifteen of the best Glamour editing procedures I have used at Glamour-photography. The editing procedures for my Fashion assignments will have full lighting diagrams and camera settings used to fully illustrate how I achieved the results I do. Together with the editing processes involved. I will also be showing casing behind the scene footage to illustrate the positioning of camera to subject/model distance, lighting positions and settings. To fully understand what is required to achieve fantastic results. I will also illustrate the equipment used, settings and standard requirements to editing fashion, editorial, commercial and portraiture photography.
The following Glamour-photography tutorials will illustrate how to create: A polaroid, Hand painted oil painting, Instagram, retro, Black&White, Solarise, Vintage, Water colour and a Daguerrotype type image. Loads more each month.
Due to the adult / Glamour nature of some of these tutorials. They are password protected. Please register to gain free access to all the tutorials.